Our Jewellery


Garnet is an energizing stone that revitalizes all the chakras. It alleviates emotional disharmony, balances the sex drive, and enhances love between partners. Due to its strong connection to the pituitary gland,
It is believed to be beneficial to aid past-life recall.

Citrine has a joyful energy, as it possesses healing properties of the sun. It is believed to assist one in manifesting prosperity, success, and abundance. It is effective in treating depression and low self-esteem by helping one remain in the present moment.

Ruby emanates the highest vibrations of the pure Red Ray. It enhances passion, determination, and enthusiasm in all areas of life. It revitalizes the mind, body, and spirit, making it an effective companion for those who feel a lack of strength and motivation.

Emerald encourages one to live and act from the heart. It enhances feelings of unconditional love, patience, and compassion towards others. Wearing Emerald is said to attune one's vibrational pattern to the spectrum of abundance and prosperity.

Blue Topaz
Blue Topaz is a natural amplifier of psychic abilities and intuition. It opens and activates the throat chakra, allowing for clear communication of one's thoughts.  It is said to support speech impediments, heal sore throats, and lessen symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli reveals one's inner truth and allows for expression without holding back. It releases feelings of frustration, resentment, and anger. It is excellent for anyone in a leadership position as it promotes qualities of wisdom, compassion, and authenticity.

Peridot is a stone of abundance in all areas of life; financial, spiritual, and emotional. It encourages one to feel gratitude in all areas of their life. It helps one detach themselves from all negative influences and look to their own higher energies for guidance.

Opal strengthens love and commitment in romantic relationships. It is a powerful amplifier of our traits, and brings both positive and negative characteristics of our true self to the surface. It is commonly used in spiritual journeying as it facilitates mystical visions.

Black Onyx is a protective stone that absorbs negative energy It aids in the healing of past pain and resentment, giving one the courage to start a new journey. It helps one make wise decisions and opens the mind to new ideas and perspectives.

Labradorite brings deep awareness of our spiritual knowledge and can act as a powerful companion when performing magical or ritual work. It promotes transformation and deep self-reflection, and is beneficial to work with during periods of change.

Amazonite is excellent for meditation due to its calming and centering effect on the mind and body. It deeply stimulates the throat chakra and empowers one to express their true feelings with other people. It gives one the strength to set clear, firm boundaries.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love that carries a soft, feminine energy. It opens the heart chakra, allowing vibrations of love to flow freely and without fear. It helps one attract new love into their life and promotes healthy, harmonious relationships.

Mother of Pearl holds the gentle healing power of the sea. It is commonly used in mystical work as it stimulates intuition, promotes spiritual growth, and heightens psychic powers. It is also believed to be effective in treating dizziness and vision problems.

Carnelian gives one the confidence, motivation, and willpower to achieve success in business and other pursuits. It is a high energy crystal that brings out undiscovered talents, stimulates creativity, eliminates procrastination, and strengthens concentration.

Aquamarine gently brings one in touch with their subconscious and deepest emotions allowing one to connect with their true self. It deeply stimulates the throat chakra and enables one to speak clearly and calmly, especially during difficult situations.

Amethyst is a highly protective stone, guarding one from negative influences, spells, and psychic attacks. It accelerates the development of psychic abilities. It also helps one overcome addictions and compulsive behaviours, bringing self-awareness and healing.

Labradorite brings deep awareness of our spiritual knowledge and can act as a powerful companion when performing magical or ritual work. It promotes transformation and deep self-reflection, and is beneficial to work with during periods of change.

Moonstone helps one connect to the energy of the Divine Feminine. It carries a nurturing vibration and is recommended to be used during pregnancy. It is a powerful stone for developing intuitive awareness. It is also believed to help in treating PMS symptoms.

Rainbow Fluorite
Rainbow Fluorite activates and cleanses all chakras. It improves mental focus, clarity, concentration, and memory. It helps one quickly absorb and retain new information. It strengthens discipline and encourages one to incorporate structure and order into their life. Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone that cleanses the mind, body, and spirit. It promotes mental clarity, making it beneficial for those who are indecisive or have trouble grounding their thoughts.  It improves creativity, concentration, and memory.

Seraphinite holds a great deal of spiritual energy and facilitates contact with the angelic realm, the Divine Feminine, and animal and nature spirits. It realigns the entire chakra system, clears blockages in all the meridians, and promotes feelings of wholeness.

Smokey Quartz
Smoky Quartz is one of the most powerful and effective grounding stones available. It facilitates a deep connection to Mother Earth and clears away negative thoughts. Its acts as a gentle companion for anyone experiencing grief, depression, or anxiety.

Turquoise has a gentle and nurturing energy, making it a very effective stone for anyone who suffers with social anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. It is also beneficial for anyone who fears public speaking as it promotes clear and calm communication with others.

Blue Kyanite restores the energy balance in all the chakras. It is a great stone for healers as it places a protective shield around the healer and grounds spiritual energy. As it does not absorb negativity, it is a stone that does not require cleansing.
Agate provides emotional and energetic support, making it very beneficial to work with during times of stress. It gently facilitates acceptance of oneself and others. It enhances mental functioning, and greatly improves concentration and memory retention.

Orange Carnelian
Carnelian gives one the confidence, motivation, and willpower to achieve success in business and other pursuits. It is a high energy crystal that brings out undiscovered talents, stimulates creativity, eliminates procrastination, and strengthens concentration.

Pink Amethyst
Pink Amethyst provides calmness and comfort during stressful situations, such as a relationship breakdown or job loss. It promotes a positive self-image and encourages one to be kind, gentle and compassionate with themselves and others.

Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire is a crystal of order, structure, and limitation due to its association with Saturn. It is helpful in matters of self-discipline, whether routine daily tasks or projects requiring extreme focus. It is also said to relieve tension headaches and insomnia.

Golden Topaz
Golden Topaz enhances personal will through its connection with the solar plexus chakra. It helps one guide their desires into alignment with Divine Will. Meditating with Golden Topaz can help one discern Divine wisdom and connect to the spiritual realm.

The gemstone is believed to decrease appetite as well as enhance insight, creativity and learning. It is said that wearing apatite will enhance focus, clarity for concentration, intellect, acceptance and unconditional love.

Pink Topaz
It is a mellow, empathic crystal that soothes, heals, and recharges. Topaz promotes forgiveness and truth. It cuts through doubt and uncertainty, giving you the power to follow your dreams.

Rhodolite Garnet is can gently relieve us from guilt and shame, and lightens the burden we carry on our hearts. It activates, opens, and heals the Root, Heart, and Crown Chakras to create a sense of grounded stability, heal emotional wounds, and channel divine insight. It is associated with the idealism of Aquarius.

Grey Quartz
It can stimulate the immune system and bring the body into balance. It is said to be excellent for soothing burns. Quartz harmonizes all of the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. It can also protect against radiation.

Considered a protective stone, hypersthene helps create calmness and quietness within the mind of the wearer. According to metaphysical beliefs, hypersthene grounds us in an attempt to shield from hectic stimuli.

Red oyster copper turquoise
Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body. It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain.

Hot pink Chalcedony
It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instils feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy.